Professional Development
Webinars & Workshops
The Consortium hosts thematic webinars and workshops for K-12 and community college educators to provide an in-depth study of the Middle East and North Africa. Featuring scholars from Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill, other NC institutions, community experts, and experienced educators, these programs equip teachers with content knowledge and ideas to incorporate the MENA region in the classroom.
Teacher Fellows Programs
The Consortium’s Teacher Fellows Programs are intensive, professional development opportunities for educators to expand their expertise in Middle East studies. Longer term professional development programs help increase teacher preparedness to infuse new material into the curriculum. By working intensively with one group of teachers, the center aims to help develop teacher leaders with Middle East expertise throughout the state.
Teachers Collaborating Across Borders
The TCAB program is a unique opportunity for teachers from the United States and the MENA region to engage in international dialogue and virtual exchange. In the fall, selected teachers engage in synchronous and asynchronous sessions to discuss topics related to education and culture in their respective countries. In the spring, participating teachers conduct a virtual exchange project in small groups between their students.
Study Tours
The Consortium offers local study tours for North Carolina teachers. The tours are designed as meaningful experiential learning opportunities to train teachers in Middle East studies through visits to local sites with connections to the region, such as cultural facilities, restaurants, and commercial enterprises. The Consortium is also pleased to partner with Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO) to offer educational study trips for teachers to the region.